
The fundamental mission of the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies (Idéo) is to explore the theological and philosophical heritage of Islam and the richness of Islamic cultures. This task is carried out within Egyptian society thanks to the immersion of its researchers, Dominicans and lay people, who reside in Cairo, with the aim of fostering a theology which encourages fraternal communion with Muslims by highlighting the truths inscribed in their religious traditions.
A research institute
Idéo serves as a dedicated center for research into Islamic tradition and heritage. Our primary mission is to unite researchers in pursuit of a shared scholarly focus: the original texts from the initial ten centuries of Islam.
A training institute
As an integral part of Domuni University, Idéo's members play a crucial role in offering education and training in the field of Islamology.
A scientific library
The BIDEO (Library of the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies) is the largest private library in the world dedicated to Islamic heritage. It provides researchers with an exceptional catalogue containing almost 300,000 bibliographic records, making it an invaluable resource for Islamic studies.
A scientific journal
MIDÉO (Mélanges de l'Institut dominicain d'études orientales du Caire) is a refereed journal dedicated to exploring the history of ideas and doctrines in the Arab world. Particular attention is paid to the examination of historical, cultural and doctrinal issues, with a specific focus on Egypt.
The Anawati Chair
The Anawati Chair, established in 2023 within Ideo, is dedicated to the promotion of interreligious dialogue through the deconstruction of extremist and exclusivist discourses. Through its research and educational programs, the chair advocates for values of openness, respect, and civic equality.

The chair's next events
Conference “The Authority of Silence”
May 2025
Despite the absence of direct writings left by the Salaf, they have become a figure of authority today. But what was their status in the classical age? How was this authority built up? What teachings did they serve to legitimize?
Certificate “Islam and Other Religions”
May 2025
How has Islamic thought understood other religions, and how, in turn, have they perceived Islam? This analysis will integrate theological, historical, and sociological dimensions.
Summer School – Citizenship
July 2025
This summer school will allow students to share their research, methodologies, and findings on citizenship from an interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing the fields of political science, law, history, sociology, Islamic studies, and theology.
The chair's past events
Certificate “Religious sciences and humanities”
May 2024
An opportunity to explore the works of classical and medieval authors, as well as contemporary thinkers.
Congress “Impact and perspectives of the Document on Human Fraternity”
February 2024
Congress “Impact and perspectives of the Document on Human Fraternity”
The literal meaning, between Christian worlds and Muslim worlds (7ᵗʰ‒15ᵗʰ centuries)
february 2024
The conference aims to reflect on the different definitions of the literal sense, between the Christian and Muslim worlds.