Certificate Idéo-Domuni
Introduction to islamology
The ‘Introduction to Islamology Certificate’ is a collaborative programme developed by the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies and Domuni Universitas.
As part of this collaboration, Idéo researchers deliver several courses via Domuni’s DoMoodle learning platform. They offer introductions to the theological and historical knowledge of Islam.
This Certificate is worth 30 ECTS (credits). It comprises five courses, each corresponding to 6 ECTS credits.

List of courses

From a pedagogical point of view, students have the opportunity to explore the works of classical and medieval authors, as well as contemporary thinkers. To assist students in their studies, glossaries and biographical notes are available to contextualise the authors and facilitate understanding of Islamic theological terminology. Full bibliographies are also included.
For more information, you can watch the video of Dr. Emmanuel Pisani.