A scientific journal
Established in 1954 by the Institute’s founding members, MIDÉO – Mélanges de l’Institut dominicain d’études orientales du Caire – is an annual scientific journal subject to rigorous evaluation through a double-blind peer review process. The Mélanges publishes scholarly contributions from Institute members and researchers working closely with them, in French, English, or Arabic.
Aligned with the Institute’s mission, the journal features original critical editions of Arabic texts from the Islamic heritage and unpublished articles focusing on Islam through its primary sources. It places particular emphasis on theological and philosophical matters and delves into the history of doctrines. Additionally, MIDÉO seeks to foster mutual understanding among various cultural and religious traditions through comprehensive studies, with a keen eye on contemporary developments in research in this field.
Since issue 31 (2015), MIDÉO has been published by IFAO and accessible free of charge online. Back issues are on sale at IFAO in Cairo.

MIDÉO 2023
This edition of MIDÉO, which focuses on ‘Islamic Theologies of Disasters,’ serves as a poignant reminder that Muslim societies have consistently grappled with diverse disasters, spanning both natural and human origins, across the annals of history. It underscores their capacity to devise explanations for the origins and consequences of these adversities. The articles within the thematic dossier, under the editorial guidance of Haoues Seniguer (Lyon) and Abdessamad Belhaj (Louvain), offer instances of theological discourses spanning centuries that engaged with the challenges posed by the crises of their respective epochs.
Forthcoming themes
MIDÉO 40 (2025)
Other religions in the tafsīr
deadline for contributions in February 2024
MIDÉO 41 (2026)
The literal meaning
deadline for contributions in December 2024
MIDÉO 42 (2027)
The Authority of Silence. Constructing the Figure of the Salaf (7th-15th Centuries)
Latest issues published
Call for contributions
Before submitting any contribution, please read carefully the journal’s guidelines and MIDÉO’s instructions to authors.
If you wish to submit an article on topics relevant to upcoming issues, an edited version of a text, or a review of a work in the field of Islamology, please forward your submission to the MIDÉO director via email at the following address : mideo@ideo-cairo.org