Post-liberal models of religious pluralism

Rémi Chéno After a short foray into the Jain logic and its model for the status of enunciation in a debate, Rémi Chéno pursues his research on the possibility of a pluralistic approach to religions. In his famous book, The Nature of Doctrine, 1984, George Lindbeck opposed the cultural-linguistic model, now called post-liberal model, to the

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Biblical prophecy and Coranic prophecy

Rémi Chéno, « Prophétie biblique et prophétie coranique », Nouvelle Revue théologique 132 (2010) 434–447. Islam presents itself as an all embracing system claiming total and extensive comprehension of the world. Prophecy fulfils the originating law within it, the creative divine decree whose knowledge constitutes a return to the first, hidden meaning which

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Thinking the complex unity of the Church

Rémi Chéno, « Penser l’unité de la réalité complexe de l’Église (LG 8). Perspectives pour une nouvelle étape de la réflexion ecclésiologique catholique » [= “Thinking the complex unity of the Church (LG 8). Prospects for a new stage of Catholic ecclesiology reflection”], Revue théologique de Louvain 40 (2009) 340–358. Contemporary Catholic ecclesiology has progressively centered

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Rémi Chéno, O.P.

Rémi Chéno is French and lives in France. Born in 1959, he is a Dominican priest. He has been a student chaplain at the French “Grandes écoles”. He has a PhD in theology from the University of Strasbourg, and has been teaching dogmatic theology in the Faculty of theology at

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