Alberto Ambrosio is a Dominican brother from the Province of Saint Dominic in Italy, assigned to the priory of l’Annonciation in Paris where he exercises a ministry of preaching.
Alberto holds a PhD in modern and contemporary history (University of Paris-IV Sorbonne) and is accredited to supervise research in theology (University of Lorraine). Since 2017 he is a professor of theology and history of religions at the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society and co-director of research at the Collège des Bernardins in Paris.
He is a specialist of the Ottoman and Turkish world, and precisely of Sufi brotherhoods and movements. He has also explored the theological relations of interreligious dialogue between Christian and Islamic mysticism.
Since 2018, he also leads a research project on the articulation between clothing, fashion and religions, which represents to these days his main field of investigation.
He is the editor of the collection “LSRS ensemble(s)” at Hermann Editions; and the collections “Vestire l’indicibile. Moda e Religioni” and “Dans les règles de l’art. Esthétique et spiritualité” at Mimesis Editions.
Among his numerous publications, the most recent concerning Islam and Sufism are: Penser l’islam en Europe. Perspectives du Luxembourg et d’ailleurs, Paris, Hermann, 2021, proceedings edited in collaboration with Laurent Mignon; Rūmī and Whirling Dervishes, Adelaide, ATF Theology, 2019; “Un islam à la mode ? Mystique, politique, esthétique” dans Nouvelle revue théologique 142 (2020/1), 81-102 ; Pouvoir et secret. L’initiation dans la confrérie bektaşîe, Paris : CNRS Éditions, 2017. And on the topic of fashion and religions: Vestire il sacro, sacralizzare il look. Per una filosofia religiosa della Moda, Milan, Bruno Mondadori; Théologie de la mode. Dieu trois fois tailleur, Paris, Hermann, 2021.