René-Vincent Guérin du Grandlaunay
René-Vincent Guérin du Grandlaunay is French and lives in Paris. He is currently director of the Saulchoir library. He was director of IDEO’s library until 2021.
After his studies in philosophy and theology in Lille and at Strasbourg University, he spent two years in Mosul and arrived in Egypt in 1997. Studying codicology at the Institute of Arab Manuscripts (ALECSO) and heading IDEO’s library made him aware of the challenges that lie in the link between culture and information technology. He is the initiator and designer of the software Diamond, designed to manage Arabic libraries’ funds.
He obtained his PhD under the supervision of Pr. Abdallah Cheikh-Moussa (University of Paris IV ‒ Sorbonne) on November 14th, 2015. He worked on the edition and analysis of the first chapters of the autobiography of Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad b. ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. Muḥammad al-Sakhāwī (831‒902/1427‒1497), entitled Iršād al-ġāwī bal isʿād al-ṭālib wa-l-rāwī li-l-iʿlām bi-tarǧamat al-Saḫāwī.
Publications :
- Article : « Les moyens de la rencontre interculturelle et religieuse à la bibliothèque de l’IDÉO » dans Libraries at the heart of dialogue of cultures and religions : History, present, future / Edited by Thierry-Marie Courau and Fabien Vandermarcq, 2014, pages [127]‒133.
- Article : « L’application AlKindi ‒ FRBR-FRAD et RDA ‒ au service de la rencontre interculturelle et interreligieuse » dans Libraries Serving Dialogue = Les bibliothèques au service du dialogue / Edited on behalf of IFLA by Odile Dupont = Sous la direction d’Odile Dupont au nom de l’IFLA, pages 91‒111.
- Article : « Le milieu familial de Šams al-Dīn al-Saḫāwī : Quelques aspects d’une lecture autobiographique » dans Annales islamologiques, 47 (2013), pages 282-305
- Article : « La liste d’autorités de Shams al-Dīn al-Sakhāwī » dans Quaderni di Studi Arabi, nuova serie, 4 (2009), pages 81‒98.
- Recension : Bernadette Martel-Thoumian, Catalogue des manuscrits historiques de la Bibliothèque nationale de Damas : période mamlouke in Mamlūk studies review XIII (2009) 1, pages 183‒190.