It was twenty years ago, in the light of the summer of 2004, that Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen already offered us a fascinating account: the history of a legendary pilgrimage in Islam-the moulid of Tanta in Upper Egypt, which in medieval times attracted crowds sometimes larger than those heading to Mecca for the Hajj. Today, she returns to us with her latest book, a monumental work: the history of the cult of Muslim saints. A history that embraces centuries and horizons, from sub-Saharan Africa to China, from India to Southeast Asia, and, of course, through Egypt-a country she knows intimately, down to its deepest whispers, whether Muslim or Coptic. Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen is one of those mediators between worlds. A professor at the Sorbonne and a member of IDEO, she journeys between disciplines and hearts. In her book, history engages in dialogue with sociology, anthropology, and theology. Through these lenses, she paints a vibrant picture of the bonds woven day by day, century by century, between Muslims and their saints. These saints, these friends of God, are lights in the darkness, bridges between the visible and the invisible. Their cult, rooted in both lands and souls, tells of a lived piety where the everyday becomes sacred. Here, everything intertwines: local Islam and universal Islam, the living and the dead, men and women-so present in these devotions-and the infinite. It is a story of encounters. A solidarity of intercession that transcends time and space, connecting believers to the Prophet, his family, the Imams for Shiites, and to these saints whose light still reaches us today. Even now, this cult seeks its place in modernity, like a river constantly carving its path. We are proud and delighted to share the announcement of this remarkable publication by our friend Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen. She offers it to us as a treasure, a key to entering the mystery and living reality that pulse at the heart of Islam. Anawati Chair Promoting Humanist Heritage On December 5ᵗʰ, Emmanuel Pisani, OP and Jean Druel, OP met with the new director of the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, Dr. Ali Abdallah al-Naïm, to discuss cooperation and the promotion of the Islamic humanist heritage within the framework of the Anawati Chair. Support for Mobility Professor Oussama Nabil, from the Faculty of Languages and Translation at al-Azhar University, received a mobility grant to participate in a thesis defense jury in Paris and give a lecture on December 17ᵗʰ at the French Institute of Muslim Civilization in Lyon on the topic of “The Prophet as Seen by French Orientalists”. During this lecture, he presented “a historical, critical, and comparative analysis highlighting impartial and nuanced perspectives”. His contributions were documented in reports shared on social media, particularly on Facebook. Call for papers – Conference “The Authority of Silence” As part of the conference “The Authority of Silence: Constructing the Figure of the Salafs (7ᵗʰ-15ᵗʰ Centuries)” to be held on May 2ⁿᵈ and 3ʳᵈ, 2025, in Cairo, we invite researchers wishing to participate to submit an abstract of their proposal before the deadline of January 15ᵗʰ, 2025. For more information, please visit our website… Lectures On December 4ᵗʰ, Michel Cuypers, OP gave a video conference entitled “A Review of Thirty Years of Research on the Rhetoric of the Qurʾān”, at the 9ᵗʰ RBS (Retorica Biblica e Semitica) conference, which took place at the Gregorian University in Rome. Watch the video in French… On December 13ᵗʰ, Jean Druel, OP gave a lecture at the Faculty of Historical Sciences at the University of Strasbourg on the topic: “Networking Manuscripts and Printed Works: New Cataloging Standards for a Mapping of Knowledge”. During the lecture, he highlighted the significance of the IFLA/RDA model for showcasing the circulation of texts, using two manuscripts from the National and University Library of Strasbourg as examples. Scientific Councils On December 10ᵗʰ, Emmanuel Pisani, OP participated in the scientific council of NCCRM (Network for Centers of Christian-Muslim Relations) to prepare for the Amman conference on the topic of “The Future of Christian-Muslim Relations: Prospects and Challenges”, which will take place from June 16 to 18, 2025. On December 13ᵗʰ and 14ᵗʰ, Emmanuel Pisani, OP, and Claudio Monge, OP, participated in the academic platform PLURIEL Board meeting held in Lyon. The meeting aimed to prepare for the Cordoba conference scheduled for February 2026 on the topic of “Ethics and Aesthetics in Islamic Heritage”. Thesis Defense On December 17ᵗʰ, Emmanuel Pisani, OP participated in the thesis jury of Mr. Khaled Ezzat Abdelfadeel. His thesis, entitled “The Sunna as a Referential Source in Qurʾānic Interpretation at the Beginning of the 20ᵗʰ Century: The Case of the al-Manār Movement. Discussions and Debate with Contemporary Western Approaches”, was assessed by a jury composed of the following members: Emmanuel Pisani, OP, Associate Professor at the Vice-Rectorate for Research at the Catholic Institute of Paris and Director of the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies (Cairo). Mr. Oussama Nabil, Professor and Honorary Head of the French Department, as well as Director of Research in Islamic Studies in French at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, al-Azhar University (rapporteur). Mr. Nasser Gabryel, Research Director at the Montpensier Institute, accredited to supervise research (HDR) in political science (rapporteur). Mr. Steven Duarte, Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Sorbonne Paris North University. Radio Broadcast On November 10ᵗʰ, Ms. Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau participated in the program “Questions d’Islam” on France Culture, discussing the topic “The Canonization of the Qurʾān”. Listen to the program in French… Video: “The ABCs of Islam” ON January 2ⁿᵈ, Adrien Candiard, OP contributed to the production of a video for “The ABCs of Islam” on the topic of “Salaf”. Watch the video in French… Visits On December 18ᵗʰ, we welcomed for lunch Mr. Frédéric Lagrange, Director of CEDEJ, and Ms. Alya el Hosseini, Head of Documentation and Research Assistance. On December 22ⁿᵈ, we welcomed Mr. Emile Ameen, Private Secretary to His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al-Saoud. On the same day, we also welcomed Dr. Ismaël Abdullah, Senior Director of the Department of Islamic Studies at